If you have 30 to 200 computer users, are based in the United States or Canada, and want to fully implement Microsoft 365 cloud services like SharePoint/Teams/OneDrive file sharing, Teams Collaboration, Intune Device and App Management, Microsoft Defender XDR Defense SuiteAzure Virtual Servers, Windows 365 Cloud PC's or the Microsoft Teams Phone System, we can get you launched properly and quickly into those systems as your Microsoft Cloud Solutions Provider and subscription reseller. We will get your server-free if you aren't, and if you already are, we can get you fully and properly utilizing Microsoft 365 Business Premium or Microsoft 365 E5. We can then help your company fill skill gaps around Microsoft 365 and Azure by providing flat-rate back-end cloud services reviews, monitoring and remediation while we guide and assist your company on training.

We know Microsoft cloud better than anyone else you’ll talk with...it's all we do. We are a direct Microsoft AI Cloud Partner achieving solution solution designations in Modern Work (Microsoft 365), Security (Microsoft Defender XDR Suite & Intune) Infrastructure (Azure). We are also certified to sell and support Microsoft Government Cloud for organizations with DoD/ITAR security compliance requirements.

So! If you want to learn a bit more about us and or philosophy, you can read on below, as well as visit our YouTube channel where we have LOTS of demo heavy guidance  about Microsoft 365 Business Premium/E5/F1, Microsoft Defender XDR Defense Suite, Microsoft Teams Phone System, and Microsoft Azure. We can take you somewhere.

We can help!
Please fill out the form below or call us at 847-995-9800 and we'll schedule a time to discuss how we can help you.

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Are You Looking For A New Direction with Your IT Using Microsoft 365 and Azure? There’s Something You Should Know…

When companies talk to us for the first time, approximately 75% of the time, this is their scenario:

  • They have Microsoft 365 licenses which they only use for email and the Office desktop apps.
  • They know their Microsoft 365 licenses are totally underutilized.
  • They have an on-premises file server they want to get rid of that has with 1-4 TB of shared file data.
  • They know they get shared file storage in Microsoft 365 with SharePoint Online and Teams, but they aren’t using it.
  • They have 3rd party cloud services for EDR/AV, email filtering and archiving, device management.
  • They suspect that several of the 3rd party cloud services they pay for around security and management could be done with Microsoft 365.
  • They aren’t clear on what’s what with the various Microsoft 365 licensing options or how to go about integrating the remaining components of Microsoft 365.

Sometimes they still have various other servers running onsite to support legacy business applications: domain controllers, SQL Server, remote desktop server, print server, utility server, backup, and disaster recovery system, though this is becoming less frequent as companies migrate their IT applications to web and mobile applications, which require none of those things.

When they contact us, they know this much:

  • If they are faced with an on-premises server refresh cycle, they don’t want to do it.
  • They want to be serverless, or as close to it as possible.
  • They want to move their shared files to Microsoft 365 using SharePoint/OneDrive/Teams.
  • They are interested in integrating Microsoft Intune for device management.
  • They want to fully utilize Microsoft 365 and have if professionally configured.
  • They don’t have the people internally or externally with the skills and experience to confidently cutover to additional Microsoft 365 cloud services, and then provide ongoing support, review, and remediation.

So, if you were contacting us in this situation, what would we be talking to you about?

  • Adjusting your licensing to Microsoft 365 Business Premium, or Microsoft 365 E5, or Microsoft 365 Business Premium + Microsoft 365 E5 Security Add-on, and Microsoft 365 F1 for tablet/kiosk/smartphone workers.
  • Migrating your company's shared files to Microsoft 365 using Teams and OneDrive. Users will also be able to access shared files like mapped drives using Windows File Explorer.
  • Fully integrating Microsoft Intune to build new Windows computers, manage and update existing Windows computers, and monitor health and compliance of company computers.
  • Fully integrating Microsoft Intune to control company apps and company data on employee personal smartphones.
  • Removing all end-user computers from being locally domain-joined. They will only be Entre ID and Intune integrated.
  • Replacing your existing AV/EDR/Malware with Microsoft Defender XDR (what Microsoft themselves use).
  • Replacing your existing email spam/virus/link/archiving service with Microsoft Defender for Office 365.
  • Possibly replacing your print server with Microsoft 365 Universal Print.
  • Possibly integrating Microsoft 365 advanced behavior-based AI security.
  • If asked, replacing your company phone system with the Microsoft Teams phone system.
  • Setting up data retention policies and a 3rd party Microsoft 365 backup.
  • Supporting your IT department (if you have one) or becoming your outsourced IT department (if you don’t) with ongoing review, remediation, and surfacing of issues in your Microsoft 365 tenant to keep your IT drama to a minimum.

If you ultimately select us, after we do all the work above, this is usually what you can shut down and stop paying for:

  • File Server
  • Domain Controller
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery Systems
  • Print Servers
  • Utility Servers
  • High-End Firewalls: usually the basic firewall capability of your Internet router is enough
  • VPNs
  • 3rd party phone system
  • 3rd party: EDR/AV/Malware, email filters, email archives, device management.

The only thing you need onsite then is:

  • ISP Internet Router with basic firewall protection
  • WiFi access point
  • A switch to connect your wired devices together
  • Network printer/scanner


There aren’t even phones on the desks anymore! Why? Because your “desk phone” sits inside your computer on Microsoft Teams! That’s why. Can you get a desk phone for your Microsoft Teams phone system so your users can access it with a handset? Sure. You probably don’t need many of them though.


Imagine never dealing with a server or a VPN again.

COMPLETE 100% FULL BUSINESS CONTINUITY in the case of a fire, flood, natural disaster, or pandemic! No disaster recovery system failover needed and users simply connect in from home.

And your IT security is the same regardless of where your employees take their computers: in the office, work from home, from a hotel, overseas…the point is your IT security is not tied to what is provided at your office. The IT security services travel with your computers and mobile apps and protect your users, their computers, and your data no matter where the employees go around the world.

Imagine going through an office move where all you do is get the Internet going at the new office, pick up your computer, take it to the office – and just simply start working………..I mean EVERYTHING works, access to your files, your email, and your phones! There was no major IT migration to do. None.

Imagine where you are ALWAYS running on a computer with the latest version of Windows, and the latest version of Office, where as soon as Microsoft releases new features or security technology - you get it, even when they release a new version – you’ll already be licensed for the upgrade – FOREVER! When the next version of Windows comes out and you like the speed of your computer – keep it, but upgrade the operating system technology. No more waiting to upgrade your operating system until you are ready to upgrade your computer – you get the technology NOW!

And the last step, if you really want to go for it: going to a virtual desktop hosted by Microsoft, using Windows 365 Cloud PCs.

In the most extreme example, which is completely practical and doable:

  • Your backend IT system is 100% Microsoft 365 cloud services.
  • Your office is virtual.
  • The company issues virtual PCs (Windows 365 Cloud PCs).

There are companies with hundreds of employees that operate this way. I get it, this probably isn’t for you. This is probably more like how you want to be setup for now:

  • You have a hybrid office where employees work some of the time at the office and can work some of the time at home.
  • You provide company computers for your employees.
  • You allow employees to use their personal smartphones to access company data.

I get it. So let’s just get your backend IT system 100% Microsoft 365 cloud services, and for any business apps that need servers, we’ll migrate those apps to a Microsoft Azure virtual network.

Imagine never having any hardware or software refresh cycles…forever.

Imagine not having any backup and disaster recovery systems to deal with. Your business continuity is built into your Microsoft 365 cloud services!

Imagine a new employee starting at your company and seeing that their new employer has the latest technology across the board.

Friends, this is where we at Xerillion will take you if you decide to become our client.

Come with us into the world of modern IT, powered by the Microsoft cloud.

Wayne signature

Wayne Chapin

Xerillion: modern enterprise cloud systems for businesses across the US - let's start your journey.

See what other business owners are saying about us...

I was able to save money, reduce our IT operating budget and be able to have a high quality of service to maintain our network.

Prior to using Xerillion, our IT support was very reactionary and slow to complete repairs. We were transitioning from in-house IT support to Xerillion’s outsourced fully managed IT services. During the transition to their managed services our staff was very sensitive about the change and their client liaison made sure that any sensitivities we had were fully addressed as Xerillion helped get our IT issues settled down. The biggest benefit of going with Xerillion has been that I feel our system is more up-to-date, more secure, and I feel confident in our network. Their fees are fair and they are good at a give and take relationship, which in my opinion, is a key component of a good relationship, be it personal or professional.

Brian LoVetere, COO Carnow Conibear

You get what you pay for on that. I think you guys bring a really high value.

Our IT support used to consist of one person on-call doing their best to support an IT infrastructure that was in need of serious upgrading. We needed to bring in a company that had the full range of services and expertise we needed to not only do the system upgrade, but also provide the ongoing support to company of our size. When Xerillion came in, they didn’t talk down to me, and they made things easy for me to understand. They spent three hours patiently going over their plan to upgrade and service our system. They did a great job of talking to someone like me who is not an IT person but knows enough to be dangerous. I felt comfortable with Xerillion right from the beginning, and our CEO had worked previously with Xerillion at another company which gave me a lot of confidence that they would get the job done right. The thing that I have liked best about working with Xerillion has been the continuity and consistency between the implementation and service. I get the same feedback from our staff, they all like the “X-men”, as we call them. We have over 250 users that need service and the cost and overhead to setup and implement an in-house IT department would be substantially higher than the cost to have Xerillion manage our IT. Xerillion has the people and processes already in place to take us from 0-60 in something that is normally a big learning curve. I think that we needed to pay for the best we could get to get us up that learning curve as efficiently as possible. To me it was an investment, it was an overall investment in bringing our whole IT infrastructure and our people up to speed. You get what you pay for on that. I think you guys bring a really high value.

Dana Damyen, CFO Ammeraal BelTech

Prior to Xerillion, we had significant problems with our IT. The company I was working with at the time assigned an individual that was not reliable and as a result, a job that should have taken a few weeks, took months. There was almost no accountability and they were not reliable at all. Upon being hired by Bannockburn Chiropractic, the operations and process were the most inefficient I have ever seen in any office. It was difficult to get through the day. Timeliness was a significant issue at almost every level, and getting patients out the door with ease was at the top of the list. When I hired Xerillion I needed reliability and accountability, and I wanted a speedy response to issues. If I called with an issue, I wanted someone to respond immediately, to make my problems their problems and get it resolved as quickly as reasonably possible. Everything I needed is exactly what I received when I hired Xerillion. The most significant benefit that comes with the team at Xerillion is that they are people of their word, and you will receive the results and solutions you are seeking. Since hiring Xerillion everything works. We are more efficient, we are able to do business well each day, and I don't worry. I'm thrilled to be a client and consider it a privilege to refer others to Xerillion!

T. Denise Dowell, Assistant to Clinic Director, Business Administrator Bannockburn Chiropractic & Sports Injury Center

When I first started working with Xerillion I had just bought the company and I was investing in a lot of new technology. I needed new servers and I needed to improve our network. I was performing my own IT work but after one weekend of struggling to get my emails working with Small Business Server, I realized I needed help and reached out to Xerillion. My expectation was consulting plus implementation. We hired Xerillion and now have been running for over 10 years with no real problems. My network has been and is rock solid. My company grew from twenty five employees to sixty employees, with multiple offices and through that whole transition Xerillion was able to provide us great service and keep us ahead of the upgrade curve. I never had to worry about technology. I had the confidence that it was done right, and the confidence that if something did go wrong it would be fixed. Xerillion has always done whatever it takes which allowed me more time to focus on growing the business and serving our clients. Our IT network is critical to our success and it has to be very reliable. Xerillion provided us with exactly the service we needed and has done an excellent job of providing us with a very reliable IT network.

Len Kleinjan, President HAEGER ENGINEERING

We had a patchwork system and we knew we needed some professionals in here if we were going to support a business of our size going forward. Xerillion offered commonsense solutions, was clearly willing to work within a framework that we were comfortable with, moving at a pace that we were comfortable with. Xerillion impressed us immediately, was obviously professional, and a company of a similar size to ours. Our primary expectation was that we would be able to rely on Xerillion anytime we needed advice, action or help with all things IT. Xerillion absolutely fulfilled our expectations. I just don't have to worry about IT like I used to have to. The flat rate program has helped to cut costs and keep expenses predictable. We have a very clear visibility of what we're going to spend per month. Xerillion has definitely made our infrastructure more reliable. I know Xerillion is an email or phone call away, and we're going to get pretty darn close to an immediate response. We have saved a lot of downtime using Xerillion. Xerillion's got a great group of people, that's a huge plus. You guys do everything we need you to do. We're really comfortable with how you guys take care of us. We feel important. There are no downsides to working with you.

Donald Brown, VP of Operations Vaxcel International Co., Ltd.

Before we started working with Xerillion we were having little problems all the time. We just didn't have confidence in the techs who were servicing us. When we hired Xerillion we expected a whole new computer system, with no downtime for our firm, and Xerillion delivered. It has been a great experience for us. The biggest benefit to working with Xerillion is the reliability. Over the years we have had so few problems, and with those problems the responsiveness has been outstanding. It feels good to know that if there was ever a problem they would be here right away to take care of it.

Laura A. White Smith O'Callaghan & White

Before Xerillion we were having issues with our Microsoft Outlook going down on Sunday afternoon when our weekly backups ran. We also wanted to make sure that everything we had in place kept on working properly. Xerillion brought a level of expertise that our previous IT Company did not have. Xerillion resolved our outlook issue and gave us a better setup overall. The suggestions Xerillion made have been very helpful. Things are working a lot more consistently without having any downtime issues. I feel better about the level of service we have. Xerillion is very helpful and willing to do whatever it takes to get things done.

Terry Rice, VP of Finance Prime Advantage

Before Xerillion I noticed the former vendor's inability to have a good grip on what's going on. I felt like they A) couldn't recommend a solid solution, and B) once they recommended something they couldn't keep it 100% functional at all times. There were issues all the time. My biggest headache was when we couldn't see patients the way our doctors are used to seeing patients, or when we have to slow that process down for whatever IT reason. Xerillion has phased out those fears for us. Since hiring Xerillion, the single biggest benefit is the fact that I can sleep at night and not worry about the fact that maybe when I come in in the morning something won't be working, and I'll scramble to figure out A) what the problem is, and B) who can possibly help me resolve it. With the monitoring system in place, we know the system is being looked at. We wanted responsiveness at all times, and Xerillion's response time is absolutely great. Now we all have peace of mind that our technology is being handled well, and by the right people. With Xerillion we can focus on seeing patients, and making our patients happy.

Joanna Chmiel MBA, Practice Administrator KRAFF Eye Institute

Back in 2005 we had a network that was based on some very old machines that we inherited from another business. It was a disaster, a total mess. Not only did Xerillion fix it, they were able to work with the old equipment we had, that we didn't end up replacing for probably five or six months. Also all the issues with starting a new business, some of which were IT related, Xerillion came in and got it all running. Whatever problems we had, they dealt with and kept our business running. It eliminated one whole are of concern for me that I didn't have to worry anymore because Xerillion took care of it. I would never have the first idea about how to hire the right people to do the things that Xerillion does for us. Whenever we have a problem it is taken care of. My guess is that almost all small business owners are in the same boat that I was in, where it's a very, very important function, but you have no clue how to deal with it. For me, once I found a company I felt I could trust, it was a big load off my mind, and it allowed me to focus on other things. Also, when I first started the business, there was no way I could have afforded a full time person to handle our IT functions, nor would I have needed a full time person, so hiring Xerillion reduced our expenses. It also allows our current IT staff to focus on the core areas of the business. I don't want them having to focus their time on network issues so in that regard Xerillion is definitely a big help. Things go wrong and we call Xerillion. You are also very responsive. For example, I was very impressed when we had that huge snowstorm, about two years ago in February. We had a problem with one of our servers in the office but no one could even get to the office. But somehow Billy (our Xerillion tech) made it in and rebooted the server. I don't even know how he managed to get in, but somehow he got over to our office and took care of it. It's really hard to put a value on how important those things are. You are always there when we need you. Xerillion has the knowledge and experience to take care of the problem. You are very responsive and you know what you are doing. That's a pretty valuable combination.

Frank Franiak, President Woodfield Fund Administration LLC

We were looking for ways to cut costs and outsourcing became an option for us. We had a sense that we could save money by outsourcing IT with a secondary goal of elevating the level of expertise in this area. I learned about Xerillion through an internet search and contacted the company. I spoke to Wayne Chapin over the phone and he really understood our challenges and, after a face-to-face meeting, he made us very comfortable and confident about moving forward with them. This was a not an easy decision for us, but we are very happy we made the move to Xerillion. Our overall costs for IT have gone down significantly. We are experiencing less downtime. Most of all, we have grown to be comfortable knowing that when issues arise, they will be resolved quickly and honestly.

Tom Baker, Director of Marketing Designed Alloy Products

When we first started working with Xerillion we were looking for someone to come in and help us with some of our IT. I was our IT guy, and I was running out of time to do everything. After we got going, we actually took a different direction based on your team's suggestion. We moved our network and file service to Office 365. Now we've come to the point where we can't live without your expertise. Xerillion brought value to us by helping us convert to Microsoft Office 365. We also learned how to support our people better from some of the tools Xerillion uses; it upped our overall game. My focus now is on adding value to the business, rather than just changing flat tires. The organization is getting more value out of what I am doing, and that's great.

John Wick, Principal Clerestory Consulting

As the only IT person at AMT, I sometimes can't get to all the open issues and projects in a timely manner. So from time to time, it's nice to have another set of eyes and hands at our disposal. Having Xerillion nearby certainly helps. Their monthly visits have helped alleviate the stress caused by nagging tasks. I also appreciate that Xerillion offers new and interesting ideas to increase the effectiveness of our very unique environment. For example, our move to offsite backups, away from tapes, has been very beneficial. We no longer have to rely on someone swapping out tapes, and we can rest easier knowing in the case of a catastrophic failure all of our data is safe from harm's way. In addition, our new terminal server will allow greater flexibility when swapping out machines and users. It will also allow people on the road to access their work desktop, something they have never been able to do up to this point. In all, it's great to have Xerillion in my back pocket, just in case.

Mark G. Garcia, Director of Business Information Systems American Medical Technologists

I needed somebody to help me maintain my server and keep all the workstations running properly. Xerillion has done that. The biggest benefit of working with Xerillion is that I feel secure as far as IT is concerned, and this has enabled me to start working remotely in a safe, secure and efficient way. This allowed me to grow my business. Xerillion has also helped increase efficiency. I can now control what my employees are doing, and offer my employees extra tools so they can work better, even if they're at a different location, in the field, or here in the office. I am very pleased with Xerillion.

Marian Ivan, VP of Operations MBA Building Supplies

We don't look at Xerillion as a different company. We look at Xerillion as our IT department. If we have an issue, whether its computer related, phone related, whatever, we just call and they fix it. The biggest benefit to us is to not have to worry. We know as far as security, backup, maintenance, moving forward, future plans, all that kind of stuff: you guys handle it. For example, when we moved to a new office three or four years ago Xerillion was instrumental in making that move seamless. We turned everything off on a Friday night and we turned everything back on Saturday night or Sunday morning and we never missed a beat. This was because of Xerillion. We realize we've got a great thing. It's all about saving time. If we don't have our computer, if the network is down, or if something is not working right, it's a big time waster. It's all about being efficient and being up, and not having downtime. That's what we rely on. My three partners and I, we don't worry about IT issues because we know you all are worrying about it for us. While it's hard to quantify exactly how much money you're saving us, it's not hard to get your arms around how much money we would spend should we have an issue like a virus, or something that would require us to redo equipment. We've never had to do that because of the systems in place from Xerillion. Because of Xerillion we don't have issues and we don't have downtime and we look at that as an advantage for sure.


We are very dependent on our technology. Everything is done through the internet or the phone. If our phones or computers are down we lose business immediately; it is a huge deal. My expectation is that if I have any problems I will be able to get help right away. Xerillion understands my dependency on those systems and makes them as much of a priority as I do. My up time on my computers and my phones is as close to 100% as I think you can get. When we had a problem with our phone system, I was able to call and Xerillion was able to fix it immediately. They understood that it was an emergency. I'm very comfortable calling and relying on Xerillion.

Heather Jennings, General Manager Housing Headquarters

We didn't have any localized support for day to day IT issues. The options I had was to hire somebody here or to find some sort of outsource IT company that could come in and oversee what we were doing here. Wayne called on me directly and Wayne and I hit it off. I liked Wayne immediately. The size of the company was exciting to me, the fact that you are not a big conglomerate. We would be more than just a number or an account; we would be a valued customer. The other aspect I liked was the flexibility. We talked about what we needed and you guys were very willing to put together what we wanted as opposed to making us fit some formula. The expectation coming in was that we could work with you, and we could continue to customize the plan. If we needed something more that could be provided and if we wanted to go with a little less you guys would be willing to do that as well. We are very pleased with the service we have gotten from Xerillion and from the techs that come in and service us. The single biggest benefit has been cost savings. Not only cost savings, but on an intangible basis the security, or the confidence that I have knowing I can lock the door and go away at night, or go on a trip for a month, and I know I don't have to worry about the IT system. I know that if something happens you guys will be here quickly and promptly and I have every confidence in the world that you guys will fix it. Absolutely, I have peace of mind. We have saved time, when something goes down you guys are here quickly and promptly to fix it. We are not waiting for long periods of time for call backs. You guys are also very proactive as far as being able to look at things and give us a heads up on things that could be a problem down the road and taking care of them before they become a problem. When you fix it before it breaks it's obviously a huge time saver.

Jeff Nank, President Hansen Technologies Corporation

The Xerillion techs have been very resourceful. They give us extra information that we weren't aware of to make things easier and more efficient for ourselves. They are really friendly, everything has been great. I'd definitely say that things are less stressful; I know I can find our Xerillion tech, or email him and then he's on it, he takes care of it. He is very resourceful. He explains what is going on; he's extremely friendly and makes sure everyone is taken care of. The communications are great with your office staff. Xerillion is doing a great job for us, for our needs.

Kimberly Hay, Customer Service Manager Hansen Technologies Corporation

Before Xerillion we could not get our questions answered or any of our issues fixed in a timely manner. We had to log on to a website, put in a help desk ticket, and wait for someone to call in a few hours, the next day, or even the day after. We had to keep following up. Also for on-site issues, like the server going down, I would have to be on the phone and tell somebody what I was seeing, not even knowing if I was explaining it correctly. I was also doing a lot of the day-to-day tech work, but I still had my own job to do, and it became too much. Another issue was that we were not able to work productively or consistently because our website would go down due to the age of the server. Xerillion was able to assist with moving the website to a stable server. It's been good to have an actual IT person, and he's saved me weeks in getting projects and quotes approved and being able to explain them in a very clear and knowledgeable way. It's great to have a local vendor, one that comes here when needed. Since Xerillion spearheaded moving our website to a secure server, we haven't lost any work or had any downtime. Xerillion is very responsive.

Nicole Smith, Senior Manager, Logistics Forbes Travel Guides

After over 12 years with Wayne and his crew, and I'm still an important and well served client.

Back in 1993 when I started a new law firm I had a good IT company/relationship with what had been a startup when I had hired them 5 or 6 years earlier, but that IT vendor became bigger and I became a smaller customer/concern for them. Alas, it was time to move on. I reached out to colleagues for their IT vendors, and met with 4 of those highly vetted companies. All were reputable and seemed to be able to handle my business. But on a whim I also interviewed and met with another new startup - Xerillion. At odds with my prior experience in going with the ‘new kid on the block’ that eventually got too successful, I chose Xerillion. And today after over 12 years with Wayne and his crew, I am still an important and well served client. Xerillion is no longer the startup it was in 2003 so it may not be the most low cost, but in our view it has become a leader in its industry and strives to be most efficient at addressing our needs, which I view as a cost savings. And I have not had to go back to market in 12 years, and that too is a cost savings in itself to us.

Maureen McGuire, Partner MacCabe McGuire

Where Xerillion really shines, is their ability to custom tailor their services to client needs.

The single largest benefit to my company, since moving to Office 365, has been the reliable access to email. Prior to Xerillion migrating our email domain to Office 365, we experienced a lot of errors, bounced emails, and did not have the bandwidth to troubleshoot all of these issues. I no longer have to worry about whether or not my email will go down, and can instead focus on the strategic and operational aspects of my firm. Where Xerillion really shines, is their ability to custom tailor their services to client needs. Xerillion is nimble and responsive due to their size and expertise in Microsoft solutions.

Jayson Chitwood Principal
vytl LLC

We continue to be impressed with the resourcefulness and responsiveness of Xerillion's team.

The install of Office 365 was seamless and went without a hitch. The conversion was done in a timely manner and we did not experience any disruptions, which was an extremely important element of the project. One of the greatest benefits, is for those of us that access our emails remotely with laptops- it became as seamless as using our cellphones. Xerillion's breadth of technical resources, is extremely refreshing, as they are able to handle IT issues immediately. All in all, we are all very pleased with the decision we have made to outsource our IT support to Xerillion, and we continue to be impressed with the resourcefulness and responsiveness of their technicians.

Anton Gfesser President

Radco recently migrated to Office 365 with Xerillion's guidance. Office 365 was a strategic move & has been a stable solution.

Xerillion's responsiveness to our IT issues is unparalleled. They take the time to actually listen to the issue we are experiencing, and then put together a strategic plan to remedy the situation, all within a quick turnaround. Recently, Radco migrated to Office 365 with Xerillion's guidance. Office 365 has been a stable solution comparative to our previous issues with emails not being received by the recipients. Moreover, if it's a simple help desk question, you help us out right away. This has been very helpful to several of our employees who need to get moving or printing right away. Everything from contacting your support desk to the planning of our IT infrastructure is handled in a professional manner. If someone is on the fence about choosing Xerillion as their IT firm, I would say you have nothing to lose, Xerillion's IT support is superior and they stand behind their 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Liz Allen Radco

Quick response time & peace of mind with Office 365.

Xerillion's IT support staff have been first rate in being available, answering questions, and keeping the IT aspect of our small practice operational in a cost effective manner. With Xerillion's advice and guidance, the changeover to Office 365 has been sound. Having our applications in the cloud with the intrinsic abilities of cloud based applications and data to be protected, backed up, stored, and updated. At my stage the benefits are "peace of mind" elements. Probably akin to preventative healthcare steps. Xerillion's support and Office 365 has enabled me to operate my practice one more year and that's had some benefits for me as well as a number of patients who were grateful that were still able to receive benefits of my expertise. Thank you Xerillion!

David Loiterman MD Practice Owner

We are a nonprofit organization providing services to the homeless with three locations and 15 shelter sites. Migrating to the cloud was going to help us immensely, but it was a daunting task. Xerillion helped us plan for, execute and then navigate through this system. They continue to provide tremendous support to us and we are very pleased to work with them.

Joel Williams Executive Director
PADS Lake County

Xerillion’s response time and quality of service on our account is bar none. We are a company with employees of varying degrees of tech-savviness and your team works well with everyone at our office. The single most beneficial element of Xerillion’s services is the peace of mind of not having a physical on site server. After a flood and a fire in our office, we didn’t want to take any more chances! As an added benefit, our team that travels across the US and internationally can access everything easily and more quickly than our experience with connecting through a VPN.


Christine Sain, Accounting Manager Riverwest Meeting Associates
David Knipe President
Knipe Companies
Mary Beth Burgis Finance Director
Silver Birch Living LLC
Ala Abutabanjeh Vice President of Information Technology
TCC Wireless
Chris Bessler Chief Technology Officer
Cumberland Securites/WindRiver
Tony Felice Managing Partner
Drexel Hamilton

Our Partners
